Friday, February 1, 2008

our second visit

(Suzanne)We are now on day two of the required 14 day bonding period. Nikolai is only allowed to go to the baby home on Saturdays because it is flu season, so he hasn't been able to meet his sister yet. On most days, Dave and I will have to take turns visiting the baby home while the other stays with Nikolai to do schoolwork.I went to see her today and was able toplay with her for 1 1/2 hours. There was a nice couple from Spain who are adopting a 3 year old girl. We played with our children in the same room. The playroom is amazing. It is brightly colored with lots of physical therapy mats, a large wall mirror and equipment She has a very pleasant and sweet personality and smiles often and laughs out loud. She is very tiny-only 6kg (about 13 pounds). She can get into a crawling position from her tummy all by herself and rocks back and forth like she's ready to crawl.
We have been eating at the hotel restaurant where the food is terrific. I think I have eaten borscht (beets and vegetable soup)about every meal! The people at the hotel are very accomodating and nice. Most dont know English, but we get by. We get free wireless internet in the restaurant and I finally learned how to set it up. That was an adventure. One waitress knew how to get it set up, but didnt speak English. The waitress that spoke English didnt know how to set it it up. The man from Spain , who only spoke Spanish, also offered help. Between 3 languages, lots of translation and laughs, I finally got it tot work!