Thursday, February 7, 2008

Today, Thursday, 2/7, I got an early start. At least it seems that way since the sun doesn't come up here during winter until something like 9am. The sun never really gets high in the sky either. At noon, the sun looks like 4pm in Alabama. It seems like it one big long morning, then a big long afternoon! On the way to the baby home, it was snowing this morning. The first time I've seen the big snowflakes here. It's snow before, but a real fine, small and light snow. We only got another inch or so of fresh snow. I got to feed Yulia today and took some good video of it for us to all enjoy later on when she's older. She is such a pleasant and happy baby. She usually gets a little sleepy around 11am or so. On Tuesday she went to sleep on my shoulder for about 20 minutes and it was nice. She's teething now too, so she does have fussy moments when she's tired. She already has two bottom teeth and likes chewing on her finger. She doesn't seem to know what to do with the plastic teething, noise making toys yet. Other than her finger, she prefers to chew on a tie string or label. It sure is going to be hard to leave here in a couple of weeks and not take her with us! We'll have to wait another couple of weeks after the court date before she'll be ok'd for travel. We're hoping the court date will be around the 21st. If prediction holds true, maybe she'll be in Sweet Home Alabama by the middle or March or at least before Easter this year. This afternoon I spend about 2 hours at the National Bank (Kazak) trying to cash some American Express Travelers checks!! They have those little signs everywhere saying they accept them. Yea, they do ..... sorta! Only after they call all around the world to check the serial numbers to make sure they're real and not stolen. If I had chosen to use a credit card for a cash advance though, I bet there would have been no questions asked and they wouldn't have cared if it was a stolen credit card! Yea, go figure! Tomorrow is Suzanne's day. More later.