Thursday, January 31, 2008

We finally meet our daughter!

(Dave)Wednesday morning, 1/30, on the plane from Astana to Petropavlovsk, it finally hit me that we would be seeing a new member of our family within hours and our lives would forever be linked and changed. The plane was a twin-prop plane full of maybe 35 to 40 people. I guess you think about things like that when you are wondering if you'll survive the trip! The plane looked like it was about 40 or 50 years old!! My seat was stuck in the reclining position. Two rows in front of me a guy tried to recline his seat and it gave way landing in the lap of the guy behind him! And, when the stewardess opened the door to the pilot's compartment, you could see them smoking in a cockpit full of cigarette smoke! I hope it was cigarettes!! We DID land though into a land of whiteness with snow everywhere. Then the COLD hit us on that long walk (pulling all thoses bags) of 100 yds or so to the 'terminal' (haha)
That's all I have to say about that.... (aka F. Gump)

After a long wait at the Minister of Education in Petro, we got permission to go to the Baby House. The longer the waiting, the more nervous Suzanne & I got! Was this thing really going to happen? Doubt and fear start creeping in. After an hour in a hallway, we finally were invited into Dr. Rimma's office. Were they going to tell us there was no child for us? After a few questions (like "how old are you?), Valentina, our translater, left to get our baby. When she entered the room with her, she was tiny with big brown eyes. Valentina gave her to Suzanne and she looked right into Suzanne's face and smiled! It was like she was saying, "so, you're finally here for me". We were told her name was Veronika (pronounced veer-o-NEE-ka with a rol in the "R") and she was born on June 1st, 2007. She looked really good and has a sweet disposition. Her skin color is good also and she appears to be well cared for and fed well. She is small and if I had to guess, may not weigh over 10 or 12 lbs. I can't wait to get her home!! She just needs love and attention and she WILL get lots of it!! I hope she knows what's she's in for!! :)~