Sunday, February 17, 2008

Stir Crazy

(Suzanne) On Sundays we don’t have a driver our translator so we’re on our own. We decided to be Catholic for a month since it is the only church within walking distance. We don’t understand a word they say (except maybe “Christo”), so we just stand when every one else does and kneel when everyone else does. Sounds goofy, we just like being there, and no one seems to mind.
Other than that, we stayed inside all day. We were sort of tired after being kept awake all night by a lot of Russian men with big hats and cigars who had a wee bit too much vodka. We met some of them in the restaurant earlier, and they were VERY friendly (a little TOO friendly!)
We are really getting bored and stir crazy. I have read all but one of my books (and I want to save that one for the long plane ride home!), and watched almost all our DVD’s (I’m trying to ration them). We went down to the restaurant (the Russian men are either gone now or too hungover to come out of their rooms) and played UNO all afternoon with our new friends from Cape Cod. We were later joined by the other American couple here from Park City Utah. It’s really nice to be around people from home. We didnt take any pictures today, so I am posting a picture the couple from Utah gave us. It is of their baby and ours (ours is in the pink).