Wednesday, February 6, 2008

when I was a kid I walked a mile in the snow......

(Suzanne) How many times have you heard this from a parent or grandparent? I can say I walked a mile in the snow to a grocery store (except I wasnt barefoot!)
After eating at a Uzbekistan restaurant (it was very pretty...looked like Aladdin should be eating there), we decided to walk to the grocery store. After spending 30 minutes layering with long johns and 18 sweaters and a coat and hat and scarf and snowboots, we set out. Nikolai looked like Randy in The Christmas Story (...."I cant put my arms down!!!!!!). It was a great long walk through a pretty little forest.
Today we had to give the coordinator the name we chose for our baby. You may have noticed we havent referred to her as anything yet )
We have beautiful and sweet waitress at our hotel restaurant. She goes out on her own and buys Nikolai food she thinks he will like. She speaks impressive English and is so very kind. Her name is Yulia (sounds like "Julia " with a "Y"). My grandmother's name was Eula Allison, and she was about the most wonderful person I have ever known, or will ever know. "Eula " is derrived from "Yulia". So our daughter's name will be "Yulia Allison Cantley" after my grandmother.