Saturday, February 9, 2008

(Dave, Sunday morning 11:15am)
It's a 12 hour time change from US central time, so it's still Saturday night there. Suzanne still hasn't fully adjusted to the time change yet. Nikolai and I have adjusted ok though. Friday was Suzanne's day to visit Yulia and I went on Saturday. Yulia is doing great. She was real congested last week, but it has cleared up now. She's ready to start crawling, but just gets up on her knees and hands and rocks. She'll figure out the mobile part soon though. Friday afternoon, we went shopping for a few gifts and out to lunch at the 'Doner Cafe'. It has an indoor play area for kids and Nikolai loves it there. Friday, there were lots of other kids and he didn't let a little thing like a language barrier get in his way of playing with them. He liked just being around other kids for a while. I know it was hard on him though not talking! Saturday afternoon we ate at a new Italian Restaurant and went to the History Museum in Petropavlovsk. I wish I could have read what most of the stuff was though. There is a tremendous history in this part of the world that we tend to overlook in our history books in America. Kazakhstan sits in the middle of three different kinds of peoples. The Kazaks are asian in appearence, of course the Russians settled here in the 18th century are european and to the west and south is the Turkish and Arab influence. Petropavlovsk is an incredible city. It amazes me how much the people are out walking around every day in temps in the single digits (fehrenheit)! I get tired of staying inside, so I understand. It's something they are just more accustomed to than me! We're hoping our court date will be the 21st or 22nd, so we can leave for home around the 23rd. If court isn't until the next week on the 25th, we'll just get home a few days later. Here are some new pictures of Yulia, Nikolai, and Petro.