Saturday, February 2, 2008

Nikolai meets baby sister

(Nikolai) i ate horse meat for lunch today. we went to see baby sister and she was cute . we went to a birch forrest. we played in the snow
(Suzanne) When she first saw Nikolai, she grinned ear to ear, as if to say "Im glad youre finally here". She watched and studied everything he did and her eyes followed him everywhere!
.......and yes, Nikolai DID eat horsemeat. It is a common Kazakh dish. We had lunch with a wonderful American couple ,Tom and Kristen. Tom just had to try it. We all had a tiny taste but just couldnt get past what it was. Nikolai gobbled up almost the whole platter while we all were gagging! I told Nikolai not to tell his aunt Lauren about his lunch, since she lives in Louisville where horses are sacred.